Do you know shadow K and shadow?
Release Date: [2017/6/5 11:09:37]    Total read [960] Times

      With the shadow of the shadow of the increasing degree of attention, more and more equipment manufacturers manufacturers also look to the micro-cinema / shadow K this piece of the market. And in the just-concluded 2017 Guangzhou show, it is a separate set up a "shadow" pavilion, visible shadow bar / shadow K of the high heat. From the beginning of the year has been the boss began to invest in micro-shadow it, last year there are a lot of people to invest in it, in recent years, more and more investors began to pay attention to the investment, or new, or transition, or Is fusion. The following are the same as the "

      Compared to the traditional cinema, shadow bar / shadow K - we said micro-theater, at the same time you can watch movies, KTV, webcast, somatosensory games these major core functions, for now the young consumers, they are pursuing is Complex, integrated entertainment experience, the simplest example is that if a customer to see the movie, watching a movie 2 hours, then singing the song for 1 hour, and then play the game or the Internet to see live and then spend 1 hour, then his room spending time is 3-4 hours, almost double the movie only; the other case, two young people dating, or a group of young people gathering, their needs are not just watching movies , They need to sing, or go online to see some games or gaming competition live, which for diversification and store profitability, is the core, is also the key.

      Micro-theater has considerable operational flexibility, to micro-theater viewing of the audience can use to watch any movie you want, you can search for the corresponding hot hit the film, abandon the traditional theater of fixed-choice viewing. And micro-theater provided by the film its quality, sound effects are no less than large-scale theater viewing. As the global film development trend began to move from the public to the minority, the film market began to show the long tail effect. The emergence of micro-theater is conducive to promoting the healthy development of the entire film industry, the domestic micro-cinema market in the next few years will certainly appear blowout development, especially in small and medium-sized cities, small investment, high-return micro-theater has Unique advantages, therefore, you can believe that the prospects of the micro-theater is very broad.

      At the same time, there are professional industry who believe that the shadow of the shadow market K brand activation of an industrial chain upgrade, but still inevitably brought some criticism, such as playing the copyright market is not standardized so that the industry has been in the ambiguous gray area, And access to genuine broadcast right is a long way to go. After years of strategic development, China has long been not "piracy sky fly" social status quo, but more and more attention and respect for copyright, crack down on all piracy.

      In recent years, China's manufacturing industry has entered a period of struggle to upgrade the transition period, not meet the market demand for products are being brutally eliminated by the market. Of course, the audio industry is no exception. Modern micro-theater fit the needs of the majority of Chinese audio users, naturally, is a promising development direction. The future of China's audio industry changes, may start from the micro-theater.

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